Episode 18: 8 Lead Magnets You Can Use On Your Website

Driving traffic to your website is important.  You need an audience to listen to your story.  The real challenge comes with trying to get these visitors to turn into customers after they hear your initial story.  The majority of your website visitors are not ready to buy at that very moment.  So how do you leverage this visitor?  What can you provide the person that is days or months away from the actual purchase date to make sure you are an option they consider.  Converting these site visitors into leads is the key.

In this episode, Justin and Ken discuss 8 different types of lead magnets and how you can use them on your website to convert more leads.  These lead magnets vary in size, ease of implementation, and placement in the buyer’s journey.  We hope our conversation sets your wheels in motion so you can figure out what lead magnets will best resonate with your buyer personas and increase the number of website visitors that convert into leads.
